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Grounding, Harmonics and EMF Electromagnetic Design

Date: Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

Speaker: Richard Loyd, R & N Associates

Topic: "Grounding, Harmonics and EMF Electromagnetic Design"

Presentation will include an introduction to software to design new installations or evaluate existing installations for determining the EMF magnitude which may cause (EMI) electromagnetic interference on communications, Information technology and other limited voltage systems from your power circuits.

The presentation will also cover the most effective methods to shield destructive or problematic electromagnetic fields.

Speaker Bio:
Richard E. Loyd is a nationally known author of 5 electrical books and many technical magazine articles. He is a consultant specializing in the National Electrical Code and the model building codes He serves on the National Electrical Code Committees Five (5) responsible for Grounding and Eight (8) the Panel responsible for Raceways and NFPA 90A & 90B Air Conditioning Committee.