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Interconnection of Distributed Generation with the Utility Grid

Date: Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

Speaker: Bryan Gernet, APS

Topic: "Interconnection of Distributed Generation with the Utility Grid"

Give an overview of interconnecting rotating machinery and photovoltaic static inverter based systems with the utility distribution system with an emphasis on photovoltaic systems. Will cover the basic components and operation of a PV system, including relevant safety issues, NEC requirements and utility requirements. Some of the new requirements for larger systems will also be addressed.

Speaker Bio:
Graduated in 1977 with a BS in Electrical Engineering. Worked in the nuclear industry as a Control and Instrumentation Engineer in South Africa, France and at Palo Verde. Have worked for APS going on 29 years in various capacities including Power Quality and Interconnection (for 25 years).