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Motor - Generator Repairs, Power Performance, & Power Quality

Date: Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

Speaker: Bert Serak, Sulzer

Topic: "Motor - Generator Repairs, Power Performance, & Power Quality"

This presentation will focus on testing technology and winding insulation component changes to improve motor – generator reliability and performance in today’s demanding business environment.
*Qualifying stator core iron condition: core loop test versus watts loss
*VFD effects on winding insulation degradation
*Induction motor rotor defects
*Generator current low power core testing – ElCid
*Copper wire & insulating materials today versus yesterday

Speaker Bio:
As Business Manager WPG/MCG, Bert develops new business opportunities and assists Sulzer Turbo Services secure turnkey turbine – generator / balance of plant repair contracts in fuel oil, geothermal, hydro, methane & natural gas, solar, and wind power producers.

Bert is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering degree. In 1974, Bert's industrial equipment career started in Houston, TX. His job responsibilities included shop foreman, operations leader & manager, shop manager, sales engineer, service representative, and business manager. Bert participates in the following organizations: CTOTF – Combustion Turbine Operators Technical Forum, EPRI – LEMUG, IRIS Power Quality Conference, Geothermal Energy Expo, Hydro Vision International, POPS – Utah Power Plant Operators Seminar, and Power Generation International.