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The Practical Realities of Utility-grade Power

Date: Thursday, August 28th, 2014

Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

Speaker: Bill Howe, EPRI

Topic: "The Practical Realities of Utility-grade Power"

Few products are put to use the instant they are created, but this is an every day occurrence for electric power. This presentation focuses on the realities of creating, transporting, and delivering this highly valuable commodity.

Speaker Bio:
Bill Howe is the Program Manager for Power Quality Research in the Power Delivery and Markets Sector. Mr. Howe's primary areas of expertise are: power quality research, information and knowledge development and deployment, industrial and commercial power quality analysis, industrial and commercial electric and control system design and optimization, demand response, electric energy efficiency, and market research. Mr. Howe also manages EPRI's Industrial Center of Excellence, focusing on providing practical resources to help improve industrial productivity.