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Date: Thursday, March 28th, 2002
Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281
Speaker: Ted Dhooge, MT-i
Topic: "Transient Voltage Surge Suppression Installations"
Speaker Bio:
Ted Dhooge joined the MTI team in 1996 as the Director of Engineering, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and experiences garnered from over 25 years within the engineering profession. Ted joined M-Ti from AVO where he taught on such topics as High Voltage Testing, Transformers and Substations, Grounding, Harmonics, Motor Control, Cable Testing and Electrical Safety. Prior to teaching, Ted held several positions within the Engineering departments at both Gulf Power Company (Southern Company) and South Carolina Gas & Electric (SCANA).
As Director of Engineering at MTI, Ted supervises MTI's engineering department in its work with research and design, testing and real-world applications. Ted is instrumental in the research and design of customized grounding, lightning and surge protection systems for companies nationwide. In addition, Ted is directly involved in consulting with engineering firms, utilities and consumers in the proper application and maintenance of grounding, lightning protection and surge protection systems.
Professional membership and activities include IEEE (Senior Member) Power Engineering Society as well as active participation in the C62.11, C62.22, C62.34, C62.41, C62.42, C62.45 and UL-1449 committees. Ted is active in the UL advisory group as well as NEMA, NFPA, and IAEI.