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Real-Time Lightning Data and Power Loss Prevention

Date: Thursday, August 22nd, 2002

Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

Speaker: Sheryl McCrary, Vaisala

Topic: "Real-Time Lightning Data and Power Loss Prevention"

Sheryl McCrary has been with the Vaisala for three and a half years working with electric utilities on the applications of lightning data for power company operations.

Speaker Bio:
Cloud-to-ground lightning is the single largest cause of disturbances in both transmission and distribution of electric power and the only weather-related factor contributing to significant monetary loss.

In the last decade, the availability of real-time lightning data has changed the way power companies and their power-sensitive customers operate in preparing for this threat. Previously believed to be largely beyond our control, the impact of lightning can be proactively dealt with and prevented.

Vaisala-GAI in Tucson, Arizona is the owner and operator of the National Lightning Detection Network and a forerunner in lightning detection research.

Come find out how lightning is detected, measured, recorded and applied in a variety of industries!