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Date: Thursday, August 27th, 2015
Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281
Speaker: Doran Carder, Arizona Generator Technology
Topic: "Generator Switching Technology"
This presentation discusses performance criteria used to select transfer switches to connect engine-generator power into loads. Explores different grounding considerations and techniques for different applications, plus the selection of overcurrent protection and transfer switch controls.
Switch types covered:
• Open transition
• Soft loading
• Closed transition
• Paralleling switchgear
• Bypass Isolation
Speaker Bio:
Doran Carder has been working for Arizona Generator Technology for eleven years. He started with the company doing inside sales and project management. In 2007 he accepted that role of presenter of the Professional Development Seminars Series which is a series of seminars on various aspects of power generation. To date he has presented these seminars at over 70 electrical engineering firms in Phoenix, Las Vegas and Tucson. In 2014 he earned his teaching certificate from Generac Power Systems to instruct and certify technicians on Generac’s Home Standby and Commercial product lines.