Click here or here for a map to the APQA meeting location: SRP's ISB facility.
Click here for a picture of SRP's ISB facility.
Date: Thursday, September 27th, 2001
Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281
Speaker: Kris Koellner, SRP
Topic: "SRP's Voltage Sag Benchmarking Index"
As aptly noted at a recent meeting of the Arizona Power Quality Association by Terry Chandler, of Power Quality, Inc., there is no standard for benchmarking or characterizing a given electrical system's voltage sag performance. Yes, people are working on the problem and there are proposed standards, but such reporting is not the norm in the utility industry. Kris Koellner, of SRP's Power Quality Department, will discuss SRP's new voltage sag benchmarking index, describe its origins and future at SRP, discuss the need for such benchmarking, and host discussion from the floor.
Speaker Bio:
Kris Koellner is a Senior Engineer with SRP. Kris has worked at SRP since 1994 in the areas of Distribution Planning, Power Quality, and most recently, System Protection. Kris graduated with a BSE degree in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University and is registered as a Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Arizona. Kris is also a past officer of the Arizona Power Quality Association.