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Click here for a picture of SRP's ISB facility.
Date: Thursday, January 24th, 2002
Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281
Speaker: Robert Shaner, MECH-LINE Services
Topic: "ASD Design: PQ Impact on End-users and the Utility"
Speaker Bio:
5 years with York Engineering
Field engineer and world wide service as Control Systems Specialist
5 years with United Technologies
Field Engineer working with Control Systems and Equipment overhauling (i.e. compressors, pumps, fans, and variable frequency drives)
1992 to present: Owned and Managed MECH-LINE SERVICES, LLC. MECH-LINE SERVICES, LLC specializes in Variable Frequency Drive automation and controls including: U.L. Integration and Factory Service and Training on 480 V Variable Frequency Drives of all designs
Taught Factory level classes on trouble shooting, design, and programming since 1994 and accredited courses on AC Inverter Technology at Maricopa County Community Colleges since 1996.