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Fuel Cells - From Here to Where?

Date: Thursday, July 25th, 2002

Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

Speaker: Gerry Paulus, City of Mesa

Topic: "Fuel Cells - From Here to Where?"

Gerry's talk will discuss fuel cell history - past, present, and future; including operating and maintenance costs, power quality, and performance. We will also have a fuel cell technical discussion regarding the components including the reformer, cell stack, inverter banks, and thermal heat recovery. We will also briefly address environmental performance and barriers to full scale implementation.

Speaker Bio:
Gerry is the director of the Gas Division for the City of Mesa. He has been with Mesa since 1993 and has been involved with fuel cells since the early 90s, evaluating their future for DG applications.

Gerry earned a Masters degree in Public Administration ('89) and a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering ('83) from the University of Colorado. Gerry is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard and currently the commander of the Selective Service Detachment in Arizona. Prior to his employement in Mesa, he was the director of the Gas Utility in Winfield, Kansas.

Gerry sits on the Board of Directors for Bluestake and the Gas Technology Institute Municipal Advisory Group. Gerry is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and other gas related organizations. Gerry is married and has three children.