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Power Quality Education

Date: Thursday, October 23rd, 2003

Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

Speaker: Dr. Gerald Heydt, ASU

Topic: "Power Quality Education"

This presentation is an overview of how power quality is portrayed as a topic in the power engineering program at ASU. The presentation begins with general remarks on both electrical engineering education and power engineering education. The results of a recent survey of power engineering educational programs are summarized. Data on enrollments are given - both at ASU and nationally. The power program at ASU is described. ASU is a member of the Power Systems Engineering Research Center, a national resource on power engineering. The PSerc program includes several valley industry sponsors - and the general concept of PSerc will be described.

Power quality is introduced at the senior or graduate level at ASU as a way to cover topics in distribution engineering, AC circuits, modeling, power utilization, and problem solving. Some of the course on power quality deals with basic signal processing concepts (e.g., frequency spectra), and some with hardware solutions of problems. Rectifiers are discussed in some detail. Solution technologies include filters, electronic solutions, phase multiplication, isolation of feeders for sensitive loads, and a range of three-phase connection methods. The role of standards is described, and power quality indices are studied in detail. Some examples are given to illustrate the kind of material presented to the students.

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Gerald T. Heydt is a Regents' Professor at Arizona State University. His BSEE is from the Cooper Union in New York, and MSEE and PhD from Purdue in West LaFayette, Indiana. He has industrial experience with the Commonwealth Edison Co. in Chicago and E. G. & G. in Mercury, Nevada. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and member of the National Academy of Engineering. He is the 2010 recipient of the IEEE PES Kaufmann Award for Distribution Engineering.