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Generator Black Start Validation Using Synchronized Phasor Measurement

Date: Thursday, August 25th, 2005

Location: SRP Information Services Building (ISB), 1600 N Priest Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281

Speaker: Kris Koellner, SRP

Topic: "Generator Black Start Validation Using Synchronized Phasor Measurement"

History has repeatedly demonstrated the need to start generating units without access to the external power grid. This "Black Start" ability speeds power system recovery from both system instabilities and natural disasters. An important part of being ready for an actual Black Start condition is achieved by demonstrating a generator being brought up to speed and synchronizing to the electric system without using any grid power for auxiliary functions.

Salt River Project, based in Phoenix, Arizona, performed an exercise utilizing a number of hydro-generating stations and a thermal-generating station. This is a legitimate "Black Start" exercise because every part of the system connecting the hydro- and thermal-generation was fully isolated (islanded) from the WECC power grid.

Synchronized Phasor Measurements, or Synchrophasors, provided a real-time measurement of conditions during this Black Start exercise. Frequency and phase angles were monitored both within the island and on the WECC power grid. By using Synchrophasor technology, these values could be compared real-time between the two systems without having a physical connection.

This presentation will illustrate how Synchrophasor data was used to view frequency stability, verify system independence, and observe the synchronization point. The phasor measurement units, along with the Synchrophasor Collector and Display software provided valuable data to operators during the course of the exercise. Discussion of problems encountered, trade-offs made and lessons learned during the exercise are presented.

Speaker Bio:
Kris Koellner is a Senior Engineer with SRP. Kris has worked at SRP since 1994 in the areas of Distribution Planning, Power Quality, and most recently, System Protection. Kris graduated with a BSE degree in Electrical Engineering from Arizona State University and is registered as a Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Arizona. Kris is also a past officer of the Arizona Power Quality Association.